Oct 25, 2018  |  5:00pm - 7:00pm

IGH Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network

The Institute for Gender and Health Sex and Gender in Health Research Trainee Network presents an Ada Lovelace Day event for trainees in Toronto! 

Ada Lovelace was the was the first computer programmer (ever!) and is a symbol of the significant but sometimes overlooked contributions by women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). 

Please join us for an evening showcasing research by several trainees followed by a keynote talk by Dr. Imogen Coe (former founding Dean of the Faculty of Science, Ryerson University) on equity, diversity and inclusivity in STEM.

Pizza will be provided - please let us know of any dietary restrictions. 

The Insitute of Gender and Health (IGH) launched a Canadian network for students and trainees. The network serves as a platform for connecting with future researchers across Canada to exchange ideas and resources about the integration of sex and gender in health research.

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