Awards & Grants

This is a page to display recent Awards & Grants given to our Faculty members.

January/February 2017 - Awards

2017 Mar  
Best poster award, Scottish Undergraduate Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference, Edinburgh, UK. 
Thomas H, Krahn M, Nguyen V, Wuebbolt D, Sermer M, Siversides C, D’Souza R.
Variation in preferences of pregnant women with and without cardiac disease for health states related to the use of anticoagulants in pregnancy. Presented by summer-student, Hannah Thomas


Award at the Annual Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, USA.
Most cited paper in AJOG in the last 2 years (work on Cerebroplacental Ratio from the PORTO trial)
Perinatal Ireland Team



January/February 2017 - Grants

2017 Feb 
Principal investigator. Determining the success of induction of labour: a prediction rule.
Collaborators: Kellie Murphy, Sepand Alavifard (Medical student).
MSH-OBGYN Department grants. 11,242 CAD 


Principal Investigator. Development of a platform for patient involvement around research in obstetrics – Stage 1: Establishing a steering committee.
Collaborators: Don Willison, Emily Nichols Angl, Jennifer Johanessen, Deborah Marshall.
Department of OBGYN, University of Toronto. 2,000 CAD.